The Internet is the best invention of all time, but it also has bad sides. For example, it’s time wasting or taking time away from things you should do; in fact, it’s health-damaging if you use it too much.
internet has lot of handy information you can use at any time – you just need to know how to use it.
It’s all good, but also a dangerous place, full of social media addiction and Facebook addiction. Some people might even get addicted to shopping online. Plus, the Internet can harm kids and teens with cyber bullying frauds, hacks and depression caused by overuse.
This includes indicators of Internet addiction such as: – Being agitated or cranky when you are not connected to the Internet; cheating friends and family about your time online; closing yourself off from others so you can be online longer; etc.
Internet addiction can cause a lot of problems for the addicted, from bad performance at work and school to relationship and health issues. So internet addiction also disrupts your day to day life so it’s very important that symptoms are detected and treated early on.
Shortened attention span
In an age of data at the tap of a button, it’s easy to believe attentional rates are waning. But do remember that we all differ with regard to attention spans – some kids will have long attention spans at video games, but short ones at homework.
The World Wide Web is a great place to learn, visit and connect with others from around the world. You can also use it to shop and transfer money quickly – though it comes with some cons like eye strain if you stare at your screen too long.
It’s a problem that is more common in kids than adults but can be remedied with time limits and well defined limits on screen time. They also may be affected by feeding and sleeping enough — whether they are more or less attentive.
Cyber breaches
The world is made up of billions of computers worldwide and, thanks to the Internet, people are able to share information with each other. It is used for networking, social media sharing, even e-commerce; but it can also be harmful; viruses, spam and phishing attacks can corrupt the corporate computers and personal PCs and destroy your data.
Business can be completely destroyed by data breaches. Not only are they costly in terms of money but they can be legally enforceable under strict data privacy laws and they can hurt an organization’s reputation with customers and staff alike.
Evil insiders like disgruntled employees and over-zealous employees who misuse employer information for personal gain are usually the sources of breaches; while external attackers like hackers or bots could also break into data by using software vulnerabilities enabling man-in-the-middle attacks in which they can intercept and process two-way traffic.
Lack of socialization
The Internet has changed the way people communicate and market, which is one of the best things ever invented. But it is also a playground for bullying, addiction and invasions of privacy; anyone who wants to be of benefit can view its contents.
We use the Internet to buy everything so they might buy something that they don’t need or end up with an impulse purchase which will put them in a debt. What’s more, if children spend too much time online, they may miss out on real-world socialisation opportunities.
The Internet is a world wide web connecting computers all over the world, it can contain any information related to financial services, government regulation and programs, market analysis and economic policies, new technologies, education and so on. Users can access it for health and for everyday search; without it a day could pass invisibly! Simply put, it would be all time lost without internet!